Life is Poetic

Explore The World With Me

Hello, I’m Kryssy

I am unapologetically imperfect. You cannot put me in a box and add a label. I’m here to write about the past, present, and future. My poetry and short stories embody life experiences. Nothing is off-limits.
Sex, relationships, mental health, imagination, careers, children, and even the damn dog unleashed across the street! Everything we experience in life is poetic. We all have a story to tell. With humility, I will tell you mine, the store clerks, neighbors, family, friends, and eventually yours. Sometimes I may address serious issues and concerns. I may also make you cry, and in the same instant make you laugh. Much like the life we live, this blog will be one hell of a roller coaster. 

Grab your ticket, have a seat, and you know the rest.

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